
Expert Shinzaki, Tama Zoo, Tokyo

Servals live near thickly planted streams and rivers in the savannas of central and southern Africa.

Since the grass grows so high, they have slender bodies to help them navigate their habitat.

Also, using their huge ears, they can pinpoint prey that’s far away when hunting.

They use the strategy of wait and see, hiding in the grass at dawn or dusk and waiting for prey to pounce on.

Standing on its hind legs, a serval can jump more than 9 feet straight up to grab a bird right out of the air.





Standing on its hind legsはマジで聞き取れず焦りましたが、海外のサイトにほぼ同じ文章があり、ここから引っ張ってきたんだなあ、と察する。
